
AI MAXTools AI SpellMAX Module NOW AVAILABLE! (now supporting v15-v19!)

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Code availability announcements (with detailed history information)

Started by admin, July 01, 2010, 03:07:20 PM

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 A new version of the AI MAXTools suite is available! The latest build (, 2012-04-12) has the following changes/improvements/fixes (see below for download link):

New Features/Functions:

  • AI MAX Export2D: Added code to support exporting .dwg files as well.
  • AI MAX Export2D: Added functionality to show which formats for export currently exist.  This information is shown in the rightmost column of the file table (new!).  Also uses the new Warning Notification for existing output files that will be overwritten (see below).
  • AI MAX Export2D: Current directory may now be specified directly by typing it in a text box.  Clicking a "..." button still opens the directory browser to allow point-and-click selection.
  • AI MAX Export2D: Added button to "Open Dest. Dir" to open the specified Destination Directory in an Explorer window.
Bug Fixes:

  • If IsoDraw functionality had not been enabled when loading the AI MAX Export code, loading could fail in some situations.  Fixed.
  • Button to enable IsoDraw output format was not always visible.  Fixed.
  • AI BOM Generator: Options files were not being loaded correctly.  Fixed.
  • AI MAX Export2D: Existing dxf, iges and dwg files were not always being overwritten when desired.  Fixed.
Changed Functionality:

  • AI MAX Export2D: Checking to determine if any of the target export files exist (and the associated warning/question) are now done for all files at once -- no more prompting for each file!  If any files exist that will be overwritten, the user is notified and asked if they want to proceed.  If they choose NOT to proceed, the conflicting files are highlighted in the file table.
  • Changed default watermark text to reflect AI MAX Export2D name.

To download the latest version, please Click Here

Note that new versions may introduce new behavior (and occasional bugs) -- please notify us if you experience anything unexpected!


 A new version of the AI MAXTools suite is available! The latest build (, 2012-06-07) has the following changes/improvements/fixes (see below for download link):

New Features/Functions:

  • AI Info: Added field to show Geometric Resolution of parts.
  • AI Info: New images for buttons to highlight in structure browser.
  • New function "Collapse" added to structure browser popup menu.  Collapses all children (and their children, etc) beneath the selected item.  This is different from simply clicking the "-" icon in the structure browser, as this will set the status of all children in the subtree to be non-expanded.  (clicking the "-" button only collapses the top level).  This function complements the "Collapse Parent" function (formerly called "Collapse Subtree") that allows the user to right-click any object and be able to collapse its parent in the structure browser (without needing to find its parent in the browser).
Bug Fixes:

  • AI MAX ViewHQ: Favorite View icons would not be updated correctly when AI DesignMAX was deactivated and then reactivated. Fixed.
  • AI Info: Object and status icons were not always accurate, including for inseparable and selective instance objects, and read-only or modified status. Fixed.
  • AI Info: Object Read-only and modified status were not always accurately displayed in some cases.  Fixed.
  • AI MultiRename: Clicking in the preview table to skip items didn't always result in the items actually being skipped. Fixed.
  • AI MAX Export: destination directory was not always set correctly when starting up the first time.  Fixed.
  • AI MAX Export: Version checking for displaying some of the export options did not work correctly.  Fixed.
  • AI MAX Export2D: Existing dxf, iges and dwg files were not always being overwritten when desired.  Fixed.
  • Error could occur when importing PCB data.  Fixed.
Changed Functionality:

  • Changed browser popup title to "Collapse Parent" rather than "Collapse Subtree" (its previous title) to more accurately reflect its behavior (and to clarify its difference when compared with the introduction of the "Collapse" functionality mentioned above).
  • AI Info: Default density (1 g/mm3) is now displayed as "[Default]"
  • AI Info: Changed minimum width of display table to improve readability.
  • AI Info: Changed Volume display to indicate Wire Part, Empty Part, or Empty Assembly, as appropriate.
  • AI Info: Updated object descriptions to include inseparable parts and assys, and versioned parts and assys.
  • AI MultiRename: Changed minimum width of preview display table, and added text informing the user "Double-click any item to change its skip status."
To download the latest version, please Click Here.

Note that new versions may introduce new behavior (and occasional bugs) -- please notify us if you experience anything unexpected!


 A new version of the AI MAXTools suite is available! The latest build (, 2012-07-25) has the following changes/improvements/fixes (see below for download link):

New Features/Functions:

  • New Function: AI Align Workplane: Allows user to align the selected workplane (defaults to current workplane).  Options include:
            - align with the current viewport: The workplane is repositioned to align with the viewport direction, with the WP V-axis aligned with the viewport "up" direction and the WP U-axis pointing to the right.
            - U-axis or V-axis specification: The workplane is rotated on its W-axis to align the specified axis with the user-specified direction NOTE: the axes are parallel, not necessarily coincident!
  • New Function: AI Set VP Up Direction: Allows user to specify the UP direction for the viewport, which will rotate the viewport without changing the view direction.  Any direction may be selected.
  • AI MAX Share: "2 Points in Direction" method now allows the direction to be specified before the destination point.  Also, the projection direction is now not automatically reset each time the destination point is specified.  This allows the user to repeatedly specify destination points that are each projected onto the same direction vector.
  • AI MAX Export: VRML export type now available from the UI
  • AI MAX Export: Filename format is now shown in a preview below the "Name Options" button.  This allows the user to see what naming options have been selected without needing to open the Name Options menu.
  • AI Show Modified: Added options to highlight modified object in the structure browser and/or the viewport to aid in identifying which objects have been modified.
  • Added variables to control whether to add the "Collapse" and "Collapse Parent" popup entries to the structure browser.  The variables to set are *ai-gbrowser-add-collapse-menu* and *ai-gbrowser-add-collapse-parent-menu* in the ai-utils-options-defaults.lsp file (when Modeling is not running).
  • Added option to specify whether the parent object is highlighted when the "Collapse Parent" function is called.  The variable is  *ai-structbrow-select-parent* and must be set manually, either by typing (setq ai::*ai-structbrow-select-parent* <t or nil>) in the user input line, or by modifying the ai-utils-options-defaults.lsp file when Modeling is NOT running.
Bug Fixes:

  • AI Volume and Mass: Objects with default density would not always be updated when trying to override using the "Default Density" option.  Fixed.
Changed Functionality:

  • AI Volume and Mass: Volume units now displayed as "mm3" rather than "mm^3" etc for clarity.
  • AI Volume and Mass: Changed "Unspecified Density" to "Default Density" for clarity.
  • AI MAX Export: "Export Types" now has a small separator above the PTC file types (Granite, etc) to improve readability.
  • AI MAX Export: When exporting to Granite files, the initial version was not always being set correctly.  Should be fixed.
To download the latest version, please Click Here.

Note that new versions may introduce new behavior (and occasional bugs) -- please notify us if you experience anything unexpected!


 A new version of the AI MAXTools suite is available! The latest build (, 2012-07-31) has the following changes/improvements/fixes (see below for download link):

New Features/Functions:

  • New! AI Align Workplane now allows the user to place the selected workplane on any face!
  • New! AI Align Workplane now allows the user to specify the origin point when positioning the workplane on a face.
Bug Fixes:

  • AI Align Workplane: If no workplane was currently active when trying to align axes, an error would result.  Fixed.
  • AI Align Workplane: If the selected axis direction was normal to the workplane (either through direct user selection or because of workplane repositioning using the "Position WP on Face" function), unexpected results would occur.  Now the user is notified of the issue and is asked to re-select the desired axis  direction.

Changed Functionality:

  • AI Align Workplane: Direction labels were using "X" and "Y" rather than "U" and "V" convention.  Updated for consistency with the way Modeling defines workplane axes.
To download the latest version, please Click Here.

Note that new versions may introduce new behavior (and occasional bugs) -- please notify us if you experience anything unexpected!


 A new version of the AI MAXTools suite is available! The latest build (, 2012-08-20) has the following improvements/fixes/changes (see below for download link):

New Features/Functions:

  • New! AI Align Workplane: Added ability to create new Workplanes.  If no WP is specified, and the user selects a face, a new WP will be created on the specified face, after which all additional operations may be performed.  Even if a current WP exists and is active, the user may select "Create New" and select a face and a new WP will be created on the selected face.
            NOTE: When "Align WP" is selected, if no WP is active
              the initially active variable will be the Face input field,
              which will create a new WP on that selected face.  If the user
              desires instead to reposition an existing WP, the user must
              first select that WP before selecting a face.
  • New! AI Align Workplane: Added ability to position WP on cylindrical, conical, and toroidal faces.
  • New! AI Align Workplane: Added option to allow rotation of the WP about the major axis of the selected face (cylinder, cone, and toroidal faces) when aligning U or V axes.  With this option selected (default is ON), when the U or V direction is specified, the WP is tangentially moved around the selected face to be aligned with the specified direction!
  • New! AI Align Workplane: Added buttons to create a construction cross at the WP origin, and to project faces using Real or Construction geometry onto the current WP.
  • New! AI Align Workplane: Added option "Align with Face Axis" (only available when a cylindrical, conical, or toroidal face is selected). This option will align the selected axis (U or V) with the surface axis of the selected face.
           - When this option is selected, the feedback fields are hidden,
             as they do not apply.  When this option is deselected, those fields
             are shown again.
           - When this option is selected, the "New Axis Direction" is used to
             select the orientation of the WP using the non-aligned axis. For
             example, if the U-axis is aligned with a cylindrical face, the "New
             Axis Direction" field will be used to specify the V-axis direction.
             When this new V-axis direction is specified, the WP will be
             rotated about the U-axis as appropriate.
  • New! AI Align Workplane: Additional feedback added:
             - image feedback to indicate the type of face alignment
               operation and whether it's possible to rotate the WP around
               that face.
             - feedback fields to show the relationship of the WP to the
               selected face, and the relationship of the selected WP's
               origin to the selected face (tangent, touching, etc).
             - Point feedback at WP origin when aligning a WP on a face to
               show the type of contact at that point:
                  Green: tangent/on-plane
                  Light Blue: WP Tangent, origin over face but not touching
                    (such as if the origin is over a hole in the face)
                  Yellow: Origin touching face but WP not tangent
                  Red: Origin Not Touching and not over face, but WP is
                  tangent to face or on-plane (such as when a "New origin" point
                  is chosen).
             - Point feedback (dark orange) showing the original origin point when
               a new origin point is selected
             - Point feedback(black) showing the WP origin when "Align WP to VP" is
  • New Function: AI No Active WP -- Removes Active status from currently active Workplane
  • Updated ribbon definitions and available commands file (for toolbar customization) to provide direct access to the "AI Align WP" function(s) .
  • AI Align Workplane: Added buttons to rotate the WP 90 and 180 about the U, V and W axes.
  • AI Bill of Materials Generator: Added units to the output column headings for Volume, Density and Mass
  • AI Bill of Materials Generator: Added UI options to allow user to specify the number of decimal places to show in the Volume, Density and Mass fields.
Bug Fixes:

  • AI Align Workplane: Workplane would not retain its existing position in all cases when changing the U or V direction to be parallel to the Cylinder/Cone Axis.  Fixed.
Changed Functionality:

  • AI Align Workplane: The "New Origin" button is now in its own section called "Slide Workplane" to indicate that the workplane will slide to the new specified origin point.  This functionality now repositions the workplane only in its own plane, allowing the origin to be specified freely, but the result is projected onto the current workplane before the repositioning is done. Setting the origin is also now NOT persistent, so if the WP is repositioned (for example on a new face), the origin may need to be changed again.
  • AI Align Workplane: When selecting a non-active workplane to align, that workplane is now set active.
  • AI Align Workplane: Moved "Align WP with VP" to bottom of dialog
  • AI Bill of Materials Generator: Changed column headings for output to "Volume" instead of "Vol" and "Density" instead of "Den"
To download the latest version, please Click Here.

Note that new versions may introduce new behavior (and occasional bugs) -- please notify us if you experience anything unexpected!


 A new version of the AI MAXTools suite is available! The latest build (, 2012-08-30) has the following changes/improvements/fixes (see below for download link):

New Features/Functions:

  • New! AI Align Workplane: When clicking the "Project Face" buttons in the dialog (using either construction or real geometry), the selected face (if any) is immediately projected onto the selected workplane, and the user is prompted to select any additional faces to be projected.  Additional time saved!
Bug Fixes:

  • None
Changed Functionality:

  • None
To download the latest version, please Click Here.

Note that new versions may introduce new behavior (and occasional bugs) -- please notify us if you experience anything unexpected!


  A new version of the AI MAXTools suite is available! The latest build (, 2012-10-05) has the following changes/improvements/fixes (see below for download link):

New Features/Functions:

  • AI MAX Workplane: New Alignment Option: "Point on WP" -- selecting this option allows the user to specify a point through which the workplane will pass.  This option is only available when using the "Align with Face Axis" method.
  • AI MAX Workplane: Added functionality to allow the user to set default values, including: create new workplane ("Create New" preselected), and options for behavior when a face is selected: project real, project construction, and for placing a construction cross at 0,0. Also added option to determine the default axis that will be used for alignment when placing a WP on a circular face (cylinder, cone, toroid).
  • AI MAX Workplane: Added capability to place a construction cross at 0,0 on the current workplane -- just click the "Construction Cross" button a second time to place the cross at 0,0. As before, additional positions may be specified as well.
  • AI MAX Workplane: Added ability to use W axis when aligning/placing a workplane on a cylindrical face or axis.
  • AI MAX Workplane: Added ability to specify which WP axis will be used when aligning on a cylindrical face or axis (U, V, or W).  A default value for this option may be specified (as listed above).
  • AI MAX Workplane: Added option to slide the workplane or simply slide the origin (leaving the workplane in the same location) when using the "New Origin" functionality.
  • AI MAX Workplane: Added ability to erase any construction or real geometry added as part of the current AI MAX Workplane call, even if other operations have been performed (such as being able to delete the construction geometry even after the real geometry has been projected).
  • AI MAX Workplane: Added ability to align with faces of face parts.
  • AI MAX Workplane: Available commands (for toolbars/menus) added to directly create/align a workplane on a face or on an axis using "New on Face" and "New on Axis" functionality.  These functions can easily be accomplished using the normal AI MAX Workplane UI, but these new commands provide even faster direct access to the functionality.
  • AI MultiRename: Find and Replace now has options for "All" "First" and "Last" to specify which occurrence(s) of the Find string will be Replaced.
  • AI MultiRename: When using Find and Replace, the preview table now shows *why* an object is not being renamed (such as read-only, no change, etc).  NOTE: If the object is being skipped because of user selection (double clicking on its line in the preview table), it will still show up even when "Hide if No Change" is turned ON.
Bug Fixes:

  • AI MAX Workplane: Selecting the construction cross button multiple times would create duplicate sets of vertical and horizontal construction lines through the origin. Fixed as part of above enhancement for generating construction crosses.
  • AI MAX Workplane: Miscellaneous fixes for alignment issues on circular faces or when aligning with the face axis.
  • Some of the available commands had typos so the commands were not available for customization. Fixed.
Changed Functionality:

  • AI MAX Workplane is new name for what was previously called AI Align Workplane
  • AI MAX Workplane: Reworked internal alignment functionality for simplicity and consistency.  Cleaner and quicker.
  • AI MAX Workplane: Misc UI changes, including making the "Rotate" button section collapsible.
  • Menus changed to reflect "AI MAX WP" instead of "Align WP"
  • Added code to create dummy dialog shell needed to fix graphics issues when using some graphics cards.
  • AI MAX Workplane: Added image to dialog to indicate when the WP is  aligned with a cylindrical axis (toroid, etc).
  • AI Set Viewport UP Direction can now be used while another command is active
To download the latest version, please Click Here.

Note that new versions may introduce new behavior (and occasional bugs) -- please notify us if you experience anything unexpected! 


 A new version of the AI MAXTools suite is available! The latest build (, 2012-10-27) has the following changes/improvements/fixes (see below for download link):

New Features/Functions:

  • New! AI MAX Workplane: Added ability to create a clipping plane when the WP is aligned with the cylinder axis (including the ability to set whether this behavior is the default). Great for visualization!  Simply click a button to turn the clipping plane on or off!
Bug Fixes:

  • AI MAX Workplane: Aligning WP with axes in specific cases did not always yield expected results.  Fixed.
  • AI MAX Workplane: Selecting a point through which the WP should pass didn't update the feedback properly (including the clipping plane). Fixed.
  • AI MAX Export: When starting the dialog under V18+, the dialog could sometimes throw an error based on some of the Modeling environment settings. Fixed.
  • AI ReplacePart: When the initial reference part was in a shared assembly, extra "new" objects could be created under certain conditions.  Fixed.
Changed Functionality:

  • None
To download the latest version, please Click Here.

Note that new versions may introduce new behavior (and occasional bugs) -- please notify us if you experience anything unexpected!


 A new version of the AI MAXTools suite is available! The latest build (, 2013-01-22) has the following changes/improvements/fixes (see below for download link):

New Features/Functions:

  • AI QSave Package: Added option "Add date to file name." This option gives the user the option to add the date to the file name or not.
  • AI QSave Package: Added option "Use Filename Base Only." This option will use only the basename without any date or revision information.
  • AI QSave Package: Added options for structure browser integration.  The first option "Use Filename Base only" works just like the above option of the same name, but only when AI QSave Package is called from the structure browser.  The second option "Add pop-up to Browser" will add the "AI QSave" button to the structure browser.  Turning this option OFF will remove the "AI QSave" button from the browser the next time Modeling is started.
  • AI MAX Export: Added option for structure browser integration in the "Other Options" section.  "Add pop-up to Browser" will add the "AI MAX Export" button to the structure browser.  Turning this option OFF will remove the "AI MAX Export" button from the browser the next time Modeling is started.
  • AI Reference Table: Added table for "British Standard Metric" screws. Slightly different from the other metric table. This table includes sizes for Close-Fit, Medium-Fit, and Free-Fit.
  • AI MAX Workplane: When using "Point on WP, the workplane was positioned so that the point was always in +U space (i.e. in the direction of the positive horizontal axis of the WP).  Now the WP is positioned to be pointing toward the user (which makes clipping planes much more intuitive to use).  To flip the WP, just use the "Rotate 180" button for the corresponding axis.
  • AI Info: Dialog should now be adjusted for different default text sizes (such as when running on a high-resolution screen with the font size set to something larger than 100%).
Bug Fixes:

  • AI MAX Workplane: When aligning a WP with a circular face axis, in some cases the W-axis would not align properly. Error was introduced in v256. Fixed.
  • Changed title of command to align WP with Viewport to match the menu definition in AI MAXTools toolbar menu file).
  • Loading under v18.1A (or B, etc) wouldn't work correctly. Fixed.
  • AI Reference Table: Typo in the Clearance/CBore table for No. 12. Fixed.
  • Setting up for automatic loading using ai-autoload.lsp in a fresh installation didn't always load the AI MAXTools code correctly after making startup modifications.  Fixed.
Changed Functionality:

  • AI QSave Package: Changed default values for saving basename only and automatically showing the file list. If user has already set these values, nothing will change.
  • AI Reference Table: Removed all "Table" references in pull-down table selection menu i.e. "Tap Drill Table (Metric)" became "Tap Drill (Metric)" etc.
  • AI QSave Package, AI MAX Export and AI Volume: Some special informational fields, including Directory Selection, name formatting, volume and mass should now fit the dialog width much better.  This area did not always size correctly, depending on the graphics card and other system environment settings.

To download the latest version, please Click Here.

Note that in addition to new behavior, new versions may also introduce occasional bugs -- please notify us if you experience anything unexpected!


A new version of the AI MAXTools suite is available! The latest build (, 2013-01-23) has the following changes/improvements/fixes (see below for download link):

New Features/Functions:

  • None.
Bug Fixes:

  • Structure Browser integration for AI QSave Package and AI MAX Export would throw an error if certain objects (such as Configurations) were selected. Fixed.
Changed Functionality:

  • None

To download the latest version, please Click Here.

Note that in addition to new behavior, new versions may also introduce occasional bugs -- please notify us if you experience anything unexpected!


A new version of the AI MAXTools suite is available! The latest build (, 2013-01-30) has the following changes/improvements/fixes (see below for download link):

New Features/Functions:

  • AI MAX Workplane: Added "Offset" field to position workplane parallel to itself after other positioning is complete. Works with clipping planes, too!  NOTE: when typing the offset distance in the dialog field, you can add units and the dialog will automatically convert it for you! For example, if you are working in mm, but type "1 in" in the Offset dialog field, it will automatically be converted to 25.4!
  • AI MAX Workplane: Added ability to create clipping planes regardless of the face type selected
  • AI MAX Share: Added ability to share wire parts
Bug Fixes:

  • AI MAX Share: Recent bug: Specifying the new basename after turning off "Smart Basename" didn't always work correctly.  Fixed.
Changed Functionality: 

  • None
To download the latest version, please Click Here.

Note that in addition to new behavior, new versions may also introduce occasional bugs -- please notify us if you experience anything unexpected!


A new version of the AI MAXTools suite is available! The latest build (, 2013-02-13) has the following changes/improvements/fixes (see below for download link):

New Features/Functions:

  • AI MAX ViewHQ: Added option to adjust size of AI MAX ViewHQ Browser
  • AI MAX Export: When working under v18+, the Granite Export options are now included in the "Export Types" options panel
Bug Fixes:

  • AI MAX Export: Exporting to Granite formats would not work correctly in some situations.  Fixed.
Changed Functionality: 

  • AI MAX ViewHQ: Reworked the options dialog for clarity regarding how to Save and Load Drawlists, and to attach and recall preferred and favorite views
  • AI Info: Increased width of field for displaying Revision information to accommodate larger revision texts.
To download the latest version, please Click Here.

Note that in addition to new behavior, new versions may also introduce occasional bugs -- please notify us if you experience anything unexpected!


A new version of the AI MAXTools suite is available! The latest build (, 2013-02-15) has the following changes/improvements/fixes (see below for download link):

New Features/Functions:

  • AI MultiRename: Added ability to rename Workplane Sets and Containers when renaming objects
Bug Fixes:

  • AI MultiRename: When using Prefix/Postfix option, correct separator was not always being used.  Fixed.
Changed Functionality: 

  • None
To download the latest version, please Click Here.

Note that in addition to new behavior, new versions may also introduce occasional bugs -- please notify us if you experience anything unexpected!


A new version of the AI MAXTools suite is available! The latest build (, 2013-03-02) has the following changes/improvements/fixes (see below for download link):

New Features/Functions:

  • AI Bill of Material Generator: Columns for Volume, Density and Mass now each have 3 options available in "Choose Columns" (under Display Format):   
             - Vol, Den, Mass: displays values using the current Modeling units
             - Vol-in, Den-lb-in, Mass-lb: displays values using inches and pounds
             - Vol-mm, Den-kg-mm, Mass-kg: displays values using mm and kg
          Use any or all of the above columns for great flexibility!
  • AI MAX Workplane: Added "Flip Direction" button to flip the specified direction by 180 degrees without requiring the user to re-specify the direction.  This is particularly useful when aligning on a circular face (cylinder, cone, torus), and specifying the U or V direction causes the WP to flip to the opposite side of the cylinder.  Now it's a quick and easy fix!
  • AI MAX Workplane: Creating a workplane on a circular face should now always leave the WP in a "right side up" orientation where the v-axis of the workplane is always pointing either toward the top of the viewport or horizontally.
  • AI Info: Reduced processing time for Volume and Mass calculations by 50%!
  • AI Info and AI Bill of Materials Generator: Volume/Mass calculations are now retained during the active Modeling session to eliminate the need to recalculate if the same object is selected again.  Speed difference is particularly noticeable when working with complex parts. 
           - NOTE 1: Selecting Undo/Redo will clear ALL retained volume and mass data.
    NOTE 2: Modifying an object will clear that object's retained volume and mass data.
Bug Fixes:

  • AI MAX Workplane: Specifying an offset when aligning on a circular face after the U- or V-direction was specified didn't always work as expected. Fixed.
  • AI Info: Mass field was being displayed using the number of decimal places specified in the Volume setting. Fixed.
  • AI Bill of Materials Generator: Volume and Mass were not always shown for assemblies. Fixed.
Changed Functionality: 

  • AI MAX Workplane: Improved the clarity of some of the status messages.
To download the latest version, please Click Here.

Note that in addition to new behavior, new versions may also introduce occasional bugs -- please notify us if you experience anything unexpected!


A new version of the AI MAXTools suite is available! The latest build (, 2013-04-18) has the following changes/improvements/fixes (see below for download link):

New Features/Functions:

  • Many behind-the-scenes improvements
Bug Fixes:

  • AI MAX Export: Creating zip files didn't always complete properly when the AI MAXTools code was loaded from a UNC path. Fixed.
  • AI MultiRename: Some objects would show as read-only even when they could actually be modified. Fixed.
  • AI Info: Read-only check for modifying densities and Object Names or Model names could sometimes return an inaccurate result. Fixed.
Changed Functionality: 

  • AI MultiRename: Successful completion now shows status in a "Toaster" window (v17+).
To download the latest version, please Click Here.

Note that in addition to new behavior, new versions may also introduce occasional bugs -- please notify us if you experience anything unexpected!